What parents are saying

  • "Sammy is reading above grade level independently with no more head butting!

    “My 4 year old Sammy has always struggled with sensory processing in some form. When he turned 4 he was beginning to hit his head with his hand or against a wall and crossed his eyes when frustrated. He was also very dysregulated. We were nervous to meet with Dawn as this was a virtual appointment and he is a young rambunctious boy who didn’t like to talk to strangers. Dawn was amazing with Sammy and us as parents from the initial contact. It was determined that Sammy would benefit from vision therapy so she created a well laid out plan that was easily achievable in the allotted time frame. We were so surprised, Sammy took to Dawn instantly and felt confident to do what she asked. Each appointment was engaging and a safe space for Sammy to learn and develop needed skills. She listened to our concerns as parents and offered support between appointments through e-mail and phone. Dawn truly cares about her clients, this was evident every time Sammy was successful with a new skill. She was his biggest cheerleader. She was also gentle and motivating when he struggled with certain skills and adapted them at his pace. Sammy is now a 5 year old homeschooled boy who loves to read and do math. He is reading above grade level independently with no more head butting. ”

    ~Ashley, February 2024

  • "... Noticed a difference and change in [our son].."

    “We have really appreciated the work you have done with our son, and I especially have noticed a difference and change in him during the time he has worked with you. He has released some fears and worries. I also noticed that he is able to process and allow his emotions to flow rather than shut down when emotions rise. Hopefully we can still book some sessions in the near future. I want you to know that I value and appreciate your support and services, and hope for our son to return at some point in the future. I have also recommended your program to others, and will continue to do so.”

    ~Mother of a 10 year old student, February 2024

  • Body Brain Balancing Session Feels like a 60 Minute Massage

    “Body Brain Balancing Sessions feel like a 60 min massage but with lasting effects and often little secrets your body tells you, that connect to other pieces of what’s going on in your holistic health for your mind, soul and spirit! Highly recommend ❤️”

    ~Chantell, December 2023

  • Vision Therapy Improved Sensory Overload & Motor Skill

    “My son has struggled with sensory issues for a long time, head butting everyone, eyes would go watery and kind of wonky when overwhelmed. Would not color or draw, he would throw his paper and start being very obnoxious when doing. A coloring activity. I realized he was very uncomfortable and with help from Dawn he was loving these writing/coloring activities, rarely head buts and rarely gets watery eyes. He now enjoys colouring without getting flighty and frustrated. This vision therapy program has greatly improved his ability to manage his sensory overload as well as greatly improved his motor skill.”

    ~Parent of Age 4 Student

  • Incredible improvement in printing and doubled daily reading time!

    “We weren’t sure exactly what was causing our daughter’s struggle with reading - so we sought help a few different ways, a private reading tutor and Vantage Vision. Both have really helped, she has vastly improved in her reading ability. Dawn noted a great improvement in her eye tracking and movements over the 6 weeks of the program, which has contributed to her increasing confidence when reading.”

    ~Colleen S. (Mother) - Grade 2 Student

  • Empathetic evaluations

    “We found your services to be very professional and we felt well supported throughout the entire program. Our son enjoyed the warm, kind, and empathetic evaluations and vision ‘games’.”
    ~Emily H. (Mother) Grade 2 Student