Before Body Brain Learning…
Our Story Began with Vantage Vision
Dawn trained as a Vision & Reading Therapeutic Tutor following Vantage Vision’s system designed to assess, develop and fine tune vision skills necessary to read and to comprehend.
Our local community has greatly benefited from the tireless work and investment from Vantage Vision over the years!
Alice Ross, founder of Vantage Vision & Reading was a long-time Educator in Kamloops, BC. She developed the foundation of our process with Dr. Len Demarchi, optometrist, in the 1960s to address learning disabilities or difficulties. Alice passed away in 2017 but her legacy lives on.
Milly Saville continued with the Vantage Vision & Reading programs from 1989 offering vision therapy services and a variety of training workshops to tutors that have taken their practices around BC, Alberta, Ontario and South Africa. Milly extended the outreach and awareness for the programs in many communities and is now retired while continuing to offer occasional training workshops.