Click the links below to access these tremendous books. Read as a family or read by yourself.
Book Bot Kids-Bringing Fun into Reading
This website has a free books library. The books are leveled into units that follow systematic teaching of phonics. It’s very well organized into subjects of interest or reading levels. There’s a free reading app. that goes with this library for reading on the go. ALSO, you can download many books if you’d like to print them for rereading. This library has a beautiful selection of cultural stories and offers stories in several languages such as Hindi, Farsi, and French stories.
Oxford Owl eBooks Library
This marvelous free ebooks library is especially curated for children ages 3-11 years. These beautiful books are not optimized for mobile devices but rather are best read on laptops and desktop computers. This is a perfect opportunity for families to read together as the books are ebook format only. This library is in the UK and also offers phonics programs for additional cost. You need to set up a login account to access the Oxford Owl ebook library.
Children's Library Lady: There's a Book for That!
This is a fantastic resource for you parents and caregivers! She has curated many free online sources of books. This website has a lot of ads and is geared to teachers but her free book sources will be helpful to you. She is fun and aims to bring the joy into reading. She has selected several books that are read aloud on YouTube and KidTube. Have fun!